Friday, March 10, 2006

Sorry John.

Well I do say that i am sorry but what I mean more is that I am sorry I did not send this to you via email. I figured I would cut out the middle man and post this myself. Alright rabid TUD fans the countdown has begun for the show I hope you are good and ready the guys have some surprises but the Letz Man has a surprise of his own. Feel free to download this photo and print off and give to as many people you know. Seriously. Do It. Ok i will keep it short and this is a just a small handheld flyer meant to be printed with 3 other brothers and sisters that look the same. The full size poster for you crazy fans that have been collecting them all will be coming soon. I hope you are all bringing a friend to the show. Lets make this a rule of sixths kinda show tell a friend who tells a friend who tells a friend. Lets make them love the TUD more than they thought they could.
Alright Peace.

from the porch

Zach's got his little update, and since we've turned the tud entries into news from the band not personal thoughts this will be my(jp's) little installment where i run little rants, recomand books, give random shout outs and recomend bad tv shows. I think Bradena nd Kyle should run thier own week;y or monthly updats Kyle should be called From the desk of DJPro It's called from the porch becuase Braden and I created this little event called 40ounce friday. For all those people wondering what 40ounce friday is Braden, Kyle and I grab 40s on Friday before eight find a porch by eight turn on some tunes, drink down a forty and have random talks about whatever falls out of our mouths. The weather is warming up and since this friday is so beuatiful we are staring forty ounce friday tonight open invite as always here is the news from the porch.
I will run twelve random things going on in my life turst me they will be random and in no particular order
1)rest in peace El Orchard ( spring training for whiffle ball would have been starting right about now)
2)Scottie don't is the man for getting me my first paying speaking gig
3)Rot is the man for making my book look damn good
4)If you lookign for a good conversation call Hammel
5)Braden and I agree Paul Pierce is top five NBA player with a worse team then Kobe's
6)I think Braden should run a monthly update on great upscure movies because he watches a lot and has never stirred me wrong
7) 3lbs of love has an amzing guitar player and a drummer with one arm
9) We owe Zach a lot of dollar dances for all the work he has down for TUD
10) I'm a fan of the world baseball classic but i'm rooting for a Domenican and Venzalua(spelling?) final, call it un american but i want to see the crowd for that game going nuts
11) i know i miss spell or have a grammar error once every five words and i'm trying to be an author how ironic but almost all my comments coming back on the book have been good to great. a big thanks to who ever has brought a copy and who ever has taken the time to tell what they think i love the feed back
12) finally i have been dating the same girl for 6 months so she might come up evrey once in a while in these rants so since i'm an author when i talk about her i shall call her The Librarian
Bonus( for Kyle) "plan you work and work your plan" words of wisdom from Deano


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

at the workshop

just wanted to drop a note off
the tud camp is busy working on new songs covers and thier own with their mini break for jp's small book tour. Braden has had a hand in opening the minds and new work ethic to reenergize the uncle dannies for the Hall Tap and beyond. That's right Hull Tap. We here at Tud camp our counting down to our return home and get all those damn buttons out of the hull tap and return to the wood pile days we all remember. Apirl 1st is the night we are all waiting for. We'll have a few suprises for our biggest fans. Also wanted to let everyone know that Ross will be opening for TUD with no interuptions from the undertaker. Let's spread the word and gett everyone amped and motivated for the Hull.

TUD we only steal from people we don't know
Scottie Lyrics are on there way

Monday, March 06, 2006

Whats in my iPod. A.

Ok so its time for a new segment to the blog from your main web fan letzring. I this particular section I will examine 4 albums per letter (barring that there are 4 for that letter) that are albums I personally enjoy and that anyone out there looking for some new tunes can enjoy these as good picks. This will help eliminate the skepticism before buying a particular album and wondering whether its good or not. First up and in no particular order is:

1. Apollo Sunshine - ST (self-titled) - This is a band with a ton of energy and charisma I had never heard their stuff till I saw them live and even then I didn't know as if I would love it as much as I have learned to love. It is a pych-a-delic folk music album with all the hooks of a pop record giving you something to hum along to. This band opened their show with a cover rendition of R. Kelly's - Ignition Remix. This album is a definite 2 listen one will not cut it and it will then grow on you. So I wont go all the way and give it a 5 star review but the band definently deserves a listen and an album buy I give it 4 out of 5.

2. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not - I can not take credit for finding this band on my own I owe that dubious pleasure to my man Ross Moffat he told me about them early this summer I have been hooked since they only had demos out no real studio stuff. Then they blew up over there and have sort of became an underground buzz over here. It is British pop at its best unbelievable in a word. This entire album rocks and rolls til the end giving you the lyrics and hooks to boogie down to. The album holds interest for multiple listens then when you fall in love you will just keep listening to it. 5 of 5. Great!
3. Action Action - An Army Of Shapes Between Wars - This is an album that requires two buys in my mind you first have to buy the first album then this album if you are even going to give this band a shot. Its not a band you just hear one song and love they take a little time and understanding. They are a dark yet melodic synth based rock band. Good vocals and singing the music sounds good on this album. But as I said I like this band so I would naturally think this album is equally good as the first album. But as some other reviews I have read don't feel the exact same way. But I don't know if they think this is their only album or not. So I give this a safe 3 1/2 of 5.

4. Against Me! - Searching for A Former Clarity - WOW! This band has failed to disappoint me with any of the albums that they have come out with. And that has been to full albums and a few EPs. With that said if you are unfamiliar with this band they are a punk band with a statement to be made and usually that rubs me the wrong way, but they do it in a way that isn't right out in your face the entire time. They give you music and lyrics that are interesting and driving playing out like an army in you head. This is their latest release on the indie label Fat Wreck Records and I read that they have signed to a larger label which has been in the mix for quite sometime so I am really excited to see if they come with the same ferocity as they did on this album. 5 of 5. Great record all the way through. Good buy.

Alright well there you have folks the first in a continuing series of posts giving you new tunes to listen to and comment on and share with others if you like. I am proud to say that I have actually listened to all these albums and more than once not just taken reviews from other sites and made them my own. I would love to hear from any of you brave enough to buy these albums. Then comment on whether they are good or not in your mind.
These 4 picks run the board quite I bit with folk British rock punk rock and synth rock. So I tried to give the readers enough of a range to find something they could dig. Not just 4 punk albums. Alright well till that time.
Letzring. Out.