LetZ just granted me VIP status, so it's time to take it to the bank! I recently purchased the first TUD t-shirt and I am quite pleased with the purchase. The band is supposed to be in my town this weekend, so maybe I will get it signed. This is my first post in the spot-light, so here are a few of my current thoughts...(Yes, Kyle, they are supposed to be random)
1) no PB&J sandwich is complete without bananas
2) courtney love had cobain killed
3) my fantasy baseball team should kick ass
4) i am pissed that aerosmith cancelled
5) i look best in ties with stripes
6) the first couple seen in bed together on TV was fred & wilma flinstone
7) Vault energy drink is actually Surge without carbonation
8) i wish i knew how to swim
9) i am glad i can lick my elbow...dont believe me? ill show you
10) the new name for really tiny boobs is..."chesticles"...write that down
11) Fidel Castro was a pitching coach for the Dodgers
12) chocolate-flavored tootsie pops are pointless
13) Jules is STILL the man!
14) RIP: Kirby Puckett
15) my grandma says i'm a catch!
16) i took a test today for a class i went to 3 times in the last 5 weeks
17) "Don't like the weather in Iowa? Stay around for a few days, it will change" - my grandpa
18) "2 shots, last letter" was the second coolest band name behind "dogs die in hot cars"
19) 3rd Base sports bar offers $3 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT hot wings on every thursday
20) i'd rather shag the "pre-annorexic" lindsey lohan
21) my stupid ex-gf sent me a message last week, ending a streak of 1 yr & 5 months without me having to talk to her
22) Cpt. Crunch instead of the traditional Rice Krispies, makes a better "rice krispie bar"
23) i am jealous of my girlfriend's dad's record collection
24) Free KFC for a year is pretty sweet. If you have the chance to win that, I suggest you try
25) I’d sell my soul, again, to guarantee that the Cubs never make it to another World Series
26) New favorite pick-up line: “My grandpa thinks that long hair makes me gay…Well, I’m not going to get a haircut, so how about you, me, and this camera prove him wrong?”
27) you can never be completely worthless…you can always serve as a bad example
From The Cheap Seats,
Scotty Dont