Wednesday, December 13, 2006

just a bizzare story

I was driving home the other night from a speaking gig with adults ina rehab program called teen challenge. I was thinking about how i just gave advice to a guy in is fifties about his own kids and he actually listened. It real interesting to hear these mguys story after my talk. Many of them ruined their lives over drugs and alcohol. Most of them were twice my age and openly asking for advice on how to deal with hardships. IT's a good thing i didn't tell them i was worried about not getting home because of not enough gas and no money to put gas in the tank. Anyways as i'm pondering all that. I see a bright light of in the distance on my left, almost like they were brand new lights just flicked on. My crept closer and closre to this little oasis just off the high way. i'm thinking new gas station, new bar. I finally get close enough that i can see their is a line two people deep wraped around this place. Now i'm thinking wow, this must be something special for that many people to want to stand out in the cold and wait that long to get into a new bar or quickie mart. I finally glance up to see the since Adult-mart. They were all waiting to get into the grand opening of a porn shop. Now i'm not saying porn is bad or it's wrong to buy. To each's his own, but to wait in the cold for an hour for a new porn shop seems a bit much and it gave me a nice little chuckle all the way home.

the movie column should be coming by next week, the second part Micheal vs Magic is coming this weekend. and Chapter two should be done shortly and yes i know that's been siad before but it's really hard to right a book when you don't have a computer at home and you only alloted one hour at the library.

everything is a work in project and don't be a squirell and pack your nuts away foir winter share them with everyone
