Saturday, May 12, 2007

the Big Shot Rob problem

I've got basketball on the brain after seeing that dunk Baron Laid down on the heartless Jazz, momentum shift i think so, but i'm here to dicuss Big Shot Rob.

Braden and I talk about the guy and his ability to hit timely big shot after big shot all the time. He did it again this year against the Nuggets in Game Four, and how many times have we've seen this senario forth quarter big play off game time ticking down and Robert Horry hit's a three that rips the heart out of a team. He has 6 titles, two with the Rockets, three with the Lakers, and one with San Antonio. One could argue and I'm going to that he is finding himslef in rare company as a unbelievable clutch Shooter (Jordan, Reggie Miller, Jerry West, Robert Horry) I know i'[m leaving off people but those four come to mind when i think about guys who hit soo many logic defying game winners. The question i'm asking is he a hall a famer for hitting a handful of memorble shots because who can forget the shot against the Kings that saved the Lakers Season that year. There are many ways to look at this arguement.

Some will say he's played with three of the most talented big men ever, Hakeem, Shaq, Duncan, and one could throw in Kobe as well. That he's ever had to carry a team by himself, that he's never been the guy. I can't aruge with that, His career numbers scream role player 8.7 points per game, 5.9 rebounds per game, 36.5% from the three point line, 43.4% from the field and a 71.9% free throw line. All very average career like. Even his best year 96 with the Rockets he chipped in 13 points a game with 7 rebounds. Nothing screams hall of famer about him just looking at the numbers. even when i writer posed the question to Robert himself he siad he would of rather had a Career like Charles Barkley to see what it felt like to be the guy on a team, to be the one the team went to time after time.

But the guy has been the one of the greatest and most clutch role palyers ever. He seemed to rise to the occuasion every time the super star on his team couldn't quite put the team over the top he was there to hit the big shot. I gues the question is is there room for arugeble the best role palyer of all time in the hall of fame. Basketball is five guys trying to win a game and usaully only the alpha dogs getting into the hall. Why can't a guy who realizes he's not the go to go guy, maxes out his ability, has ice in his viens, contributes to six championship teams, and becomes arugeble the greatest role player ever get in to the hall of fame. Is he someone you will talk to kids about, sitting around 15 years from now will his name come in conversation when you talk about the greatest clutch shooters all time.

I know i'll miss him when's he's gone, i know i will talk about him for years to come, i know if i had a vote for the hall a famer i would vote yes over and over again

But I couldn't argue with some one who said no. One could list off the likes of Micheal Copper(80's lakers) Dennis Rodman (Piston and Bulls) as other canidates for role player hall of fame but aren't in the hall and I guess there in lies the problem with Robert Horry's career it's memorable just like Cooper and Rodamn, he will live on through high lites, and guys telling stories about the handful of shots he's hit, he has six rings and no one really can say whether or not he's been good enough for the hall of fame. here's hoping he hits two of three monster shots to resonate through the basketball world with a greater aora.

I mean would it be so bad visiting the Hall of Fame and telling your kids Micheal Cooper played Defense better than most people dream of, that Rodman out rebounded almost everyone by being smarter and wanting it more, and that Robert Horry hit some of the cluthest shots of all time.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

NBA playoffs Warriors Make it Rain

I spent the last week watchign as much basketball as i could even sneaking away at work to snagg some action. So let's chat about round One

Detroit Vs Orlando Thanks for stopping BY Dwight Howard hope you got a good taste expect to see you here more often, and isn't it funny how Chris Webber was dragging his knee around like it was screwed on backwards when he played for the 76ers but all the sudden he's helping anchor the Piston's playoff run and skipping like school girl.

Chicago Vs Miami Title defense over, that was short, too many injuries, to much Antoine Walker. Boy hasn't he declined form border line all star to liability in a nano second. Great for Chicago to finally push through the to second round, and before goig down 2-0 to Detriot i thought they would give the Pistons a run. I guess all those college guys forgot every round you start over

Toronto Vs New Jersery Crish Bosh and Dwight Howard give me hope for the East, But when most of your team admits after game three they didn't expect the playoffs to be this pressure packed you don't have a chance. Plus Jason Kidd stil has a couple of tricks up his sleeve for play off new bees. Colango knows how to run a team.

Cleveland Vs Washington's Junior Varsity team. This series didn't count. Let's hope Lebron was saving his himself for the playoffs. I miss Gilbert Arenas, and since this year got cut short, i'm rolling over i'm routing for this guy to win every game next year. i wish there were more athletes like him.

Golden State Vs Dallas. Dallas was the nice guy, who pays his bills on time, alwasy shows up for work, and treats his girl with respect and love. Golden State was the asshole who blows through town and after six drinks had Dallas's girl interested becuase while she knows she betteroff with Dallas, she begging for excitment. Golden state showed here the spark and Dallas never once got up the courage to fight for thier girl so she left with another girl. The girl will wake up and realize she screwed up and look for antoher quality guy liek San Antonio or Pheonix but not go back to Dallas. Moral of the story some girls are worth fighting for. Golden state understood that, Dallas Didn't
(Watchign Golden state's crowd was fun it might be the only time i wish i was in Oakland but they were awesome)

Utah Vs Houtson, T-mac gone again. the thing about him is he's nicer than Kobe, has more heart that Vince Carter but hasn't ahd the success. I feel for the guy. ANd anyone rooting for Carlos Boozer i give you this reminder. He was with Cleveland and Making 750,000 thousand a year. Cleveland said we want to give you a raise to 8 million a year so they let him out of his contract. Then he decides to cut loose and sign with the Jazz stabbing Cleveland in the back and the thing is the owner of CLeveland Cavs was blind. So Boozer stabb and blind in the back. please don't root for him

San Antonio Vs Denver Got my hopes up but like most dates faded quickly into another example of San Antonio's slow and steady wins the race. Tim Duncan is great, boring but great.

Pheonix Vs Kobes Try as he might Kobe can't tople the little Candian that could. The thing about Kobe is he wants to win, you can tell he just doesn't have the teammates to match what Nash and company can do. One more thing on this, i think Nash and Kobe are One two, two one in the league as best right now. No one wants it more then these two, Duncan's third. Bron can jump to Forth with a great post season and than Wade will take it back when he's healthy possibly Dirk but he's got some explanning to do.

LEt's hope Round two heats up since three of the series are 2 - 0. GO Suns, Go Warriors, Detroit Chicago series could fall of the earth for all i care, and GO CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVVVVVVVVSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!