Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Flying Eagles

Flying Eagles code of Conduct and Valor

The Flying Eagles Social Club makes no policy or discrimination of its members' race, color, creed, ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation. However we will undoubtedly be biased and discriminatory to the following: Posers, hatters, and True Assholes. (True assholes who disregard compassion for fellow man in all walks of life, not the type of assholes we are when we just talk shit about funny looking people at bars - because that's funny.)

Members must make appearance at one of the following events per year;
1)Flying eagles social club summer trip
2)July forth El Dora weekend
3)Annual Whiffle ball el orchard reunion
Members understand that Summer trip, and Whiffle ball reunion can change locations every year but The El Dora Weekend will never change locations
Each branch of the Flying Eagles is responsible for setting up one group trip per year. (example being The East Coast branch organizing a trip to a mountain cabin) While every Flying Eagle is invited to attend the Home office summer trip we acknowledge it might not be possible so your branches; trip will count toward one of the events mentioned above

II A Once every five years the Flying Eagles will plan a major trip ie a trip to Vegas, Yellowstone national park, Orwell Ohio for the fall festival. It can be anywhere in the Lower 48 states. The decision process will contest of this
Members will write one page about why the Flying Eagles should hold the five year event at particular location
After all submission the review board minus the president will whittle it down to three locations. Then the President will make the final choice

Members make at least one late night or weird phone call to every friend per year that you believe to be apart of the Flying Eagles.
Person receiving call can not be pissed, or must calm down girlfriend/slash wife if they are pissed but can not I repeat cannot be pissed at friend.
III A We are guys so we don't call that much but I think at least one
hey how you doing every two to three months is called for.

Members must attempt one surprise, hey I'm in town visit, if friend is not around oh well. Example Once a member hooked up with Scottie and Jim for New Years called just two days in advance. Friend who is getting visited should at least attempt to find time for one drink and or offer their place to crash.

If every member of the Flying Eagles absolutely hates, hates your girlfriend/boyfriend they've got to go(The Doug Clause),
Members must understand we mean hate and everyone so if member finds one other member who says that the girl or boy is alright, All other members must recognize the right for the relationship to continue
Also any member getting married without introducing girl /boy to at least half of the Flying Eagles is barred from certain rights in the Flying Eagles(The review board will examine the Case)

Members must understand that we expect members to spread the word and promote with pride the Flying Eagle ways

If member comes on hard times ie: divorce, lost job, got kicked out by the girlfriend you should offer your place to let them get life back together, member crashing at friends house should understand they can only crash for 3 months

Any member moving any where cool say Denver, San Diego, or North Carolina must understand they become a vacation spot and must offer free room, they can expect help for food and beer costs
VIIIA People still living in boring Iowa must allow people coming back to visit from cool places to stay under the same circumstances
(the Open Door Clause)

Members must understand while issues and amendments will be voted on. Our President has the power to invoke a presidential stimulation clause

X (The presidential Stipulation initiations Clause)
Incoming members must attend one of the following events with at least one existing member a county fair, casino, a dive bar, adult entertainment, or host a Texas Hold em tournament where they provide all the chips and dip. Member also must complete a two page essay on a native American.(They will be collected and kept with the president)If chosen to be a Flying Eagle, new member can only attend events until initiation is completed. Then member will be given full membership, allowing them to bring issues to their President, vote on issues, and what not.

Until we have our own website or blog member must visit www.theuncledannies.blogspot.com once every two weeks and comment once a month. Its not too much to ask so we can keep this blog running, one it's free, two we get to ramble, three we get to throw out inside jokes, and lastly its one more way to keep in touch.

Badge levels or at least fictious badges received for good club duties
Example - Scrounging up a gavel for the club *** One Badge (Gavel Badge)
Example - Finding hats at a thrift shop and starting a club *** Master Badge (President Badge)
Example - Housing Reunion and Polka Fest *** One Badge (Sleep & Dance Badge)
When you earn a badge you must go out and by a Pin for your hat - usually available at thrift stores and Wal-Mart Counters.

Offices, Duties, and terms
President is the absolute leader of the Flying Eagles. They are allowed veto power over all amendment's voted on and allowed to add clauses to the charter where they see holes in our Social club. They are always a member of the review board. All disputes with the Flying Eagles will be ruled on by the president. President's decision is final.
President is president for life, or until they decide to step down. If Fyling Eagles members decide they want a new President they must bring that to the attention of the review board with at least 50% of the Flying eagles in agreement. At that time we will vote on the status of the President either keeping he/she in office or not.
To evict the President the vote would have to 92 & 5/8% in favor of not allowing the president to continue with their duties. If that is the case, the review broad will nominate two candidates to become the new president for members to vote on, majority wins.
The outgoing president will still be the most important figure head of the Flying Eagles. The Flying Eagles will continue on with business and make no annoucement about the Presidential change until former President is comfortable with making the announcement. For all purposes the public will still believe we our governed by the out going president.
Any amendment vetoed or any stipulation clauses added by the President can be overturn by a 70% vote.
The President shall never be allowed to invoke stipulation clause on any of the conditions mentioned above.

Review Board
The review board will consist of 6 Flying Eagle members and the president. It's main job will be the review of applications for new members. 5 members will review application and to be apart of the club applicant will need 4 member to give their approval. Members of the review board that are either submitting the application or are from that region are not allowed to weigh in on the ruling of the application
Review board will also be responsible for deciding on amendments to vote on, where locations for events to be held, appointing regional presidents and voting on the position of vice president
Review Board Members are on the board for three years. The President can either decide to keep them or replace with a new member.

Vice President
Has no real job but to over see the running of the Flying Eagles during the event of electing a New president. Also selects the names out of a hate for the review board process and proof reader for all offical documents. Also always a member of the review board. They are allowed to be a candidate for president if the review board believes they are worthy.

Regional Presidents
Are to over see their region: finding new members, organizing meetings and trips. Keeping the review board and President updated on the business for their branch. They must conduct business and fun in a manner that would make the home office proud. Regional Presidents are appointed by the review board and approved by the President. They are also allowed to be in office for life or if they choose to step down, any member believing the regional president should be out of office should notify the review board and it will be handled they same method as our Head president.

official Secretary
The one informing every one of the news on flying eagles, gets the voting process up and running, and oversees the information that goes out with the flying eagles name on it

Guide lines for submitting Application
Review board will listen to any existing member's case for a new member, no outsider can ask for membership, they must be nominated by existing member. Member can either submit verbally, submit in written form, or call in a application. Existing Member must make the case strong case for nominee. The more information at the board's disposal the better suited it will be in making the right choice.

All pre-existing members(the one listed below our grand fathered in)

List of members
President: Dean Johnson June 06
Vice President: Kyle Johnson June 06

Review Board members
Braden YauK June 06 President Cedar Falls Chapter
Adam Rottinghaus July 06 President of East Coast
Zach Letzring June 06 President of Indianola and Hanover Chapters
Marcus(Jim) Thie June 06 President Des Moines Chapter
John Derryberry June 06 official Secretary

Elder Statesman
Uncle Rol June 06

Ryan Johnson June 06
Danny Derryberry June 06
John Griggs June 06
Josh Wall (need hat to be official)
Scottie Don't (need hat to be official)

News and notes
The summers Flying Highest Eagles awards go to
Dean Johnson for founding our club and to John Derryberry for fanagiling a gavel for our opening ceremonies a the Red Cabin. Congratulations

Also we would like to annouce the start of our Little Eagles youth program [Zach no Chicken Hawks, but name still up for debate(Dean Vetoed)]
Any child you feel will grow into a great Eagle can get an early start on membership. Get them into our Youth Program so they can attend certain events and learn from old pros like uncle Rol
Jordan Letzing and Titus Letzing are on board.

We are currently looking for a mission statement and ideas of the induction ceremony that go beyond just handing the hat to the new member

We also understand that their might be some holes in our first run at this so we will be voting on new amendments and procedure early September. So anything you think of please email to jpderryberry@hotmail.com under the heading official Flying Eagles. So it can get in front of the review board. Hope to see lots of you at our August get together. News coming soon on that event

Flying Eagles