The Eagles's Nest (february)
First Flight
Sorry for not having a prompt arrival with on February 1st with the news letter. I hope you can forgive me as i was counting and waiting on absent-t ballots coming in for the final votes on official matters of the Flying Eagles.
On to the matters of New Members, The Flying Eagles have opened their doors to two new East Coast Chapter Members Justin Crosby and Brett Hartsfield. Congratulations fellows. You have been award pledge status until the completion of your introduction task are done. Adam Rottinghuas president of the East Coast Chapter will over see your process and notify the main office when you are allowed to vote on matters the are of your rank in the Flying Eagles. It's great to expand are boundaries and further root ourselves in the East Coast. Everyone is looking forward to reading your comments on the blog and meeting you when the chance arrives. A side note for the new fellows you can find the code of conduct and valor which the flying eagles are governed by on this blog spot in the archives. Fly High new members
On the Kyle Johnson amendment in which we outlined the ideal protocol of call backs between members. We the flying eagles adopted the week call back if a message was left and week and half if their was no message left. please govern your selves accordingly.
On the website we voted in favor of pursuing a website for the Flying Eagles
On the pursuit and offering to Steven Colbert a honorary membership after said website is complete we the flying eagles voted yes.
What's in the nest
no spot light this month, it will return next month, i wanted to go over what we would be covering February 18Th at the indianola head quarters.
First we will compose an official list together with every one's address, email, phone number. as well as get all the official documents into one place and signed by the attending members. This will be kept at the cedar falls head quarters.
Also we will discuss the website at lengths figuring out what the best way to proceed, as well as give the task to the( east coast chapter with help from Zach) Committee for Public Relations and lay out the guidelines in which the committee may act on a in what manner they must get approval (which the creation of Public relations department will be voted on over the next week)
Scottie don't asked for some time to review and discuss the whale log
The flag foot ball team will be discussed(as well as practice)
all other information need to be discussed can and should be brought up when discussion is opened to the floor.
Official business
Vote in favor or against this items voting closed in a week and half. Any thing not voted on here can be brought up at Feb meeting
official song: St. Elmo's Fire (nominated by Rottinghuas)
a creation of the committee of public relations (with member being East Coast Rott and two east coast members he may nominate and Zach)
We have a new member up for election Ross Moffit of Des Moines (nominated by Zach Letzring) Many of us are very familiar with this young man but here's his application
First of all I'd like to say I'm honored to be considered for a role in the flying eagles social club. I believe I am a strong candidate because of the motivation I have to quite simply have a good time. I have no time for posers, fakers or snobs. I have all the time in the world for anyone who sticks to their guns and acts how they want to act. This is a strength I see in the flying eagles. I value friendship next to family and I am very aware of the difference between friends and fuckers. Cheers. Strengths: Ability to strum the guitar like a demon Will write tunes that stick in your head for days Can drink relentlessly Brings an international dimension to the club Can attract females from a one mile distance (Both intelligent beauties and toothless simpletons) Whether it be as a Flying Eagle or not, I shall fly high and fly far. But never too far from a bar.
While normally a member up for election cannot voice his opinion to the committee it must come the eagle nominating the pledge. Zach was in constant communication with the main office and we deem this acceptable only because he nominated him first. Ross did not ask to be nominated Zach to put him up.
and finally i believe the mission statement the the Cedar Falls Chapter worked on all month entitled the
Flying Eagles Manifesto
Flying Eagles will understand that they are charged to up hold a tradition that not started with this Social club but with the original habitats of this land, the Native Americans. The same Native Americans, who lived in balance with his other man, nature, and themselves, is what sets the gold standard for any Flying Eagle Member to strive for, as we must strive for the most knowledge but never become arrogant with that knowledge, we are charged to use that knowledge to ponder, question, and live life in harmony with others. We must strive for success but not by stepping on the unfortunate but by reaching out and helping those who cannot help themselves, dusting off the down trodden, healing the beaten, and picking up the depressed. A flying Eagle will learn that every situation in life can and probably does contain humor, sadness, happiness, anger, and many other emotions the body of humans experience, and that Arrogance has no place in the eagles eye if it is to fly. The Flying eagles will not reach a successful glorified status by selling out to the man and taking the road always traveled but by exhibiting the virtues and values the Great American Eagle represent: Respect for others thoughts, actions, emotions but maintaining a knowledge of what is good and what is evil for the universe, Caring for those who cannot care for themselves, but more importantly caring for those who would not and don’t have compassion for you and others, Truth in our actions believing we are taking the correct path and truth with our selves allowing our conscious to be a guilt free guide not allowing our decisions to be persuaded by the sway of the masses Responsibility to ensure we are careful and direct with our actions that we acting upon another fairly and we will conduct our selves in the appropriate manner in all occasions we come across. Through these ideals we will have the ability to sore to great heights in life just as the Eagle circles the high skies, but our integrity will allow us to remain true to our convictions leaving our focus on the vision of balance in nature and in life.
Final Egg
There will be dues for those playing on the flag football team this summer, as well as Coach Johnson and Coach Derryberry are formulating a playbook as we speak.
some words of wisdom to take with
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Sir Winston Churchill