Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So long Iowa... well atleast until to i visit

This is going to have a zillion type-o's so go ahead and make fun of me,

I came to this strange land as a snot nosed 18 year old chasing down a dream to play basketball and become a teacher, and i leave at 24 only playing pick-up games ever once in a blue moon and chasing down a dream. The more things change the more they stay the same. I know that iowa has been damn good to me and while i hate Iowa and Iowa state i will screw with every Ohio state Fan when They play at any Iowa school kinda of like it's okay to make fun of your crazy uncle but when an outsider makes fun of your crazy uncle them's fighten words. I guess i have to admit it i was an Iowian for a while.
I will continue blogging all my random thoughts and stories, the names will certainly change but the spirit in which i write will not. Hopefully someone can talk Braden into giving Kyle Updates. God knows I will need to know when he makes another awkward situation worse it's what gets me thourgh most days.
My Dad always told me to watch for the little things because people are always giving you the blueprints on how to be in thier life, He said brutely honesty with your self and others is the only way to go, he said realize every one can teach you something, and finally you have to not care to care.(the single most important thing i learned ever in my life) Well i figure out the meaning to all his advice in Iowa from the people i meet. I also put to use most of the advice my brother gave me but that has to do mostly how to score chicks i think i did okay in that department.
Marycrest taught me the wait it out rule(rule#1) thanks Ati. Don't worryin Marcus i will start running down the list of guidelines in no particular order soon. I learned from Matt well lot's of crap mostly mixing drinks, but if you sift through all that he basically showed me life isn't that serious.
Now on to the heart felt see you arounds becuase while i know i'll see every one again my educated guess is that they will be fewer and farther in between, and becuase at the heart of it i'm just a sap with emotions that cares.
To Hamel for showing a guy a thing or two about NBA Basketball
TO Rott for proving not all GVC Baseball players are asses just 90% of them. Also for showing intelligence, smart ass remarks, poiting out the obvious are all great qualities in a human being when that human being knows exactly how to use all three. And that their are many sides to every agruement(which i already knew)but Adam showed me both arguement can actaully be right and wrong depending on the person's beliefs. Shall we say agree to disagree
Scottie i have to be honest and admit that I made fun of you our entire first year at Grand View.(One your not surprised Two I'm a Ass) You looked like a back street boy wash out. Sorry, but you turned in to a great and funny as hell friend with great insight. Giving me a equal as super fan as well as equal in theme party out fits, and here i thought i had the market cornered. Shall we say real life lesson in don't judge a book by the cover.
Zach since i'm coming clean i guess i say that not being chosen as a groom's man in your wedding hurt but it showed me that i needed to make our friendship better, be more active, be more concern because at the end of the day your a guy i respect, i guy that shows so many great characters. I think our friendship has grown by leaps and bounds with the honesty that flows through us now, by conversations we sahre. Shall i say things can change for the better
Marcus this is going to be short and sweet, your so damn nice, i sometimes hate it but it's you Shall i say don't buckle
Kyle one your wierd, two i have almost been in 6 different fights, three you give me the best stories four i think you show the world the defination of being you who want to be and while i scratch my heads sometimes at your decision i always, always respect them becuase you always stick to them even if the make no sense. Shall i say always be yourself
Coty you taught me how to commit, to believe in a relationship, to love for more then lust reasons, you should be given a medal or at least a party for your great work but i hope you settle for I love you
Braden Yauk the person i most admire and believe as i write this i'm holding back tears in the library as i write this. I learned the most from you, the honesty so many people site as my best and worst quality, it's okay to be happy with life, my unselfishned. Some times people meet becuase the have thihngs in common or a class together. we meet becuase with out the other either would be the person we are today. I owe you my happy go with the through flow life shall i say i will miss you.
This is me leaving Iowa tomorrow with firm idea of who i am and where i want to go. A professot once said you have the chance to be great becuase beneath all your ah shucks it will all work out, under your i don't care you really do care and your one a few people i have meet that actaully think with their heart more then their head. And that i owe to all of you.
Somone asked me why i hang all those pictures up and the easy answer is because i need to remember where i'm from to know where i'm going but more importantly it reminds me of the blueprint you guys all gave me to be apart of your lifes and you guys gave me the greatest gift of all in return: It's okay to care about everyone and with that i set out on my dream maybe i'll fail maybe i won't but along they way i'm going to change and affect lives because of who you all help me become
thanks and see you around
every thing is a work in progress