Friday, September 29, 2006

From Cotton Fields

okay Zach's right i will more than likely have to send ti through a link, but since i have to learn how to do that it's going to have be zach talking me through it the first time. I have more work before we get to that point anyways i have a rough outline and now i need a more defined outline so any stories you want in comment please. Scotte win or loose we still booze finishes off the ten rules

Basement life
golf game, water ballons(inviting people to the house) Wate bottle, turn singal, leaving do the dish notes, 40 on friday, bowling night, security guard vidoe games

Band Practice
Intreuptions, it's not your hat, the little oppy that could, shwoign up late, not knwoing the song,

I'm 6'4" cops getting called. SCottie don't know, after party declined, note to tap to wall, Mcdonald's at 5:00 am

Going away
whiffle ball game

Geano Visit
clothes draft cook out. your witcism amazes me, and i love you guys when me frineds are around

Ride to denver
shoes stinking up the car, paying for turkey with chain, almost running out of gas, stopping at Brain's and Sarah for dinner, rehersal dinner and wedding stories.

1st night in denver
montant elway fight-jazz band-pool hall theft-tree climb and fight

every one say bj elk picture, almost get run over, fast food story, pirates fan,

uncle jay
all of his one liners, and g-string money mis-hap

tom- seth gus converstaion
i'll handle this one

plam tree cart surfing, old college stories(construction hat, club shit, condom story, stealingb/f)

dumping of the beer- not drinking water story-teing tubes-peer pressure-gilligans island-peein girls-cliff driving-lost sandls and piggy back, group shower

shower scene
tom's phone call, everyone peeing while shower going on, attempted three some

ID(misters) Heinikan stiffed, chair rce, mexican foo,

dinner with tom
ID again

driving through the desert
over heating, bourder patrol, salt water

arrcing at SD
Chirstian girls, the beach

french girls
denied at he bar bannana bung-alo wbeach bums swimming pool oui-no

i f little kids,


Cigaretter, dollar, get a job, i'm the rock

1$ coronas, bad bussiness, tacos and tequillas, haggleing, beer and shot, bull ride

hooters again
ranch shot, good tippers, christain girls, wierd name,

beach time
frisbie toss, go long,

music bar

going home??

any story fact or fictional you think fits anywhere let me know, it will give me a better outline and to go off of. a story about us from college that i forgot, a story form the trip i forgot, or something you would find to be totally hilarious. i shorted handed all the sroties to not take up as much room so if you con't recogize a story you want just write it down anyways

climax ,wisconsin southern Wisconsin Univeristy
baldwin, wisconsin, valley view college(old school)

band name
forty on friday

and the ten rules
1)wiat it out
2)don't bunr bridges
3)your only allowed 15 friends every one else is an aquitance
4)having sex 3 times is a relationship
5)don't trust people who don't drink
6)in a fight anything goes
7)don't date ashley's or tiffany's
8)in the gazelle your the island
9)despiration is an oder that no perfume can mask
10) win or loose we still booze

cotton fields

next time i will unviel the idea for the ending so you guys can think of some stories idea for that, i'm still rolling around a coupl eof ideas so don't worry so much about adding ideas or stories to the end

Thursday, September 28, 2006

from the baclony

no longer do i have a porch so i guess from the porch is out, but the place i live now is on the second floor. The down stairs has a porch and the roof of that porch serves as the second floor porch, but is is really a porch if it's on the second floor. PLus it's way cooler to say Balcony than porch. I don't know that answer. The first pages from the whale's log are shaping up nicely especially with your guys comments, the golf game definielty in and scottie your right don't have a clue how that perfume line didn't get in the first draft, trust me that's already fixed. the first ten or so pages will hopefully be up over the weekend. since my life right now consists of talking to people about my book, a job search going no where, writing, watching an enormously large television and talking to Coty about random things at night time. Braden is now a member of the TNC and Lido's club, completing the task over his weekend visit to Ohio. He siad he might even come back, wathc out Marcus he said he was trying to bring you. Let's hope Braden will grace us with a nice little blog about his experiences in Ohio, it's always better to get an outsiders view. Other than that i have nothing much to say but i say that it was about a week since their was a new post and wanted to keep this new movement of blogs and comments rolling.

every thing is a work in progress (Especially the Browns)