Friday, February 16, 2007

Directions from Mrs Letzring

From Hwy 65/69 South, entering Indianola. Continue until you come to the stop light w/ Hy-Vee & Walgreens on the corner. Its Iowa Avenue, turn RIGHT.
Follow Iowa Avenue through several stop signs, the streets will be in ascending alphabetical order. Turn RIGHT onto E street.
Our address is 1005 North E street. We're the 3rd house on the left-hand side, white with brown shutters. Our cars will be parked in the drive way.

See everyon on Sunday

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The flying Eagles will come to order

As many of you know we have had a lot of acitivty lately in the flying eagles and we decided to get together and dicuss, vote, and point us in the right direction. that meeting is this Sunday at 1:00 o'clock at the at Letzring Household in Indianola Iowa. We regret that not every eagle can attend but we will h ave the marjority of the eagles there. It is a pot luck meeting so please bring either a bevarge or food item everyone can partake in, and don't be that guy that brings the digusting food item that only you like.

Will be dicussing the following items

First we will compose an official list together with every one's address, email, phone number. as well as get all the official documents into one place and signed by the attending members. This will be kept at the cedar falls head quarters.Also we will discuss the website at lengths figuring out what the best way to proceed, as well as give the task to the( east coast chapter with help from Zach) Committee for Public Relations and lay out the guidelines in which the committee may act on a in what manner they must get approval (which the creation of Public relations department will be voted on over the next week)Scottie don't asked for some time to review and discuss the whale log. The flag foot ball team will be discussed(as well as practice)all other information need to be discussed can and should be brought up when discussion is opened to the floor. Also we will dive into the offical flying eagles song becuase the vote seemed to raise a lot of questions.

following the meeting we will have our first flying eagle flag foot ball practice with all most our entire roster avialable. Depending on the weather this will either be in Zach's back yard or at grand view in the wellness center.

Please be on time and ready to discuss, eat, drink, and be meryy

Sunday, February 11, 2007

two things to chew on

Ethical questions
Q1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one.

Q2: It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:
Candidate A
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first, then scroll down for the answer.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B is Winston Churchill
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler
.....and by the way:
Answer to the abortion question - if you said yes, you just killed Beethoven.