So it's April and here's teh news letter
There is news to be spread around
First congrats to Ross for being the elected into the club. Hopefully Ross is hard at work on a Flying Eagle Song to contribute to the club
congrats to Scottie Don't for being elected Treasurer of this fine club, two year term starting in July when every thing's official(hopefully)unfortunately there's now Club dues 30.00 dollars very year. The money is due to Scottie Don't if you need is contact information please contact me at one month from this post. Scottie if you put up my 30 for the club, I'll put your 30 in for the flag football, let me know if we've got a deal (John Paul)
We decided to go with ahead with the website for the flying Eagles.
The committee of public relations is working very hard on it as we speak.
Another important item covered at the meeting was that the Review Board which does a number of functions for the Club it's main one being review of new applicants. The charter members decided that three members of the review board will be on it for life like a supreme court judge, those three are John Paul Derryberry, Kyle Johnson, and Braden Yauk the other four members will be voted on every two years. This summer will be the vote. Every elected position will be voted on every two years. we'll continue to clear up all the bureaucratic jargon as we move ahead and hopefully by July every thing we need will be in writing and signed into Flying Eagles Code of Conduct and Valor
We also now have a policy on removing a member it's called being Kroymaned. All information on that will be release when it's been hammered out.
The first flying Eagles flag football practice went rather well, Coach said that it's was due to the enthusiasm for a Mr. Zach Letzring. The next practice will be the 2nd Weekend in May here in Cedar Falls. Also at we are hoping everyone can have there 30 dollars that's going toward the entry fee and t-shirts for that weekend, The Tournament will be held in Ames July 20, 21, 22. That's a Friday and Saturday and Sunday. The 20th will only be if needed meaning a number of teams sign up and the tournament is rather large. Everyone who has agreed to play please make sure you're available that weekend and let us know we are sending in the entry form after the with in the next two weeks.
We are working on an official list of every one's contact information so the likes, of Josh Wall, Jon Griggs need to get that important information to as soon as possible. I know I'm forgetting things that we talk about at the meeting, but if you really wanted to know so bad you would have attended.
As for some wisdom to take with you
"I love it when the crowd chants those Two words "Reg Gei" Reggie Evans former Iowa HawkEye