Klye looks like?
David Grohl and Noah have advanced to the next roung from last week. This week we have Roger Federer Mikki Moore, Appollo Ono, Antonio, and Dave Navaro.
We have one write cast for Spanish from Old school any more please submit we can have the write ins battle it out next week. I'll try to can a picture of him up soon. tomorrow hopfeully to compare.
My Vote Mikki More. the look a lot alike in my mind, they have the same exact beard
2)Roger Federer
3) Dave Navaro, funny thing is he gets this one pointed out by strangers
4) Apollo, Klye does not like this one
5) Antonio
After seeing Navaro, I dont feel it nessecary to rank the others, but i will...
1) Navaro...I think we have a front-runner for the overall championship...step 2: getting KyJo to pierce a nipple!
2) Whoever is standing by "M" from the Bond movies (Judy Dench)...same face shape and whatnot
3)Mikki Moore
Not sure if this guy was on the docket for the later rounds, but my contibuting nominee is none other than the "coffee peddler from Columbia"...Juan Vauldez
"Wall, we'll be back for you in the morning"
i have got to go with the Dave Navaro and the one kyle hates as a very close second. moore benderas and federer bringing up the rear.
Lets keep the look alikes coming. and a current picture of kyle as well.
As I sit here and flip through a music magazine that somebody left at work the other day, I have stumbled upon a rather reasonable and fairly accurate nominee for Kyle's look-a-like:
"Taboo" of the Black Eyed Peas
I think he would compare to the likes of Grohl and Navaro...
From the Window to the Wall,
Fransico Umberto.
San Antonio Spurs.
Kyle would have to be clean shave or at least a 5 o'clock shadow. and a little hair band.
black beard(the pirate)
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