Friday, March 31, 2006

From the Porch volume 1 week 4 (My goal)

Saw a great band this week called High Strung and i finally thought i beat Zach to the punch on a up and coming band. Only to find out he has already seen them live and tried to down load there music. It was down right fustrating and deflating to be so hyped to make a phone call and say man you have to check this band out only to hear i already did. Thanks a lot Zach you ruined my moment
To the list
1) The band mentioned above High strung as a Jeffery Prater (Picture above) look a like on bass it's so close it's scary.
2) The Indians will win the World Series
3) Josh Wall pounded sevn beers in an hour and half, very impressive
4) I'm sure someone will comment they have seen a better drinking binge, well i have too but that doesn't mean Josh's accomplishment should not be applauded.
5)Scotty i love the fact you have vip but i couldn't take all that in even if a read it 20 times
6) On that note keep up the work
7)30 and half hours till kick off
8)Talked to the original Uncle Danny this week he said the only reason the band is growing is because on the name, and you guys wonder were i get my personality from every Derryberry carries himself likes his the coolest thing since slice bread
9)I Hope Billy Packard loves Hell
10)I'm Proud member of the flying Eagles club
11)My book finally reached 200 sold, i'm pretty sure that's nickel only 980,000 thousand till platium, look out Oparh here i come
12)30 Hours and 27 minutes and counting till Hull tap 06

everything is a work in progress


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

13) 24 hours and 50 minutes until you guys blow the roof off the hull tap.

My twin mustve been rockin hard because he has some major pit stains.

Also wanted to say that i wont be gettin kicked out of the hull tap this time (at least for underage drinkin).

U guys doin any pre-show drinkin? get at me

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

14). about 24 hours to go.
So JP please dont get down I only hope this propells you to go see more local shows and get to know good bands its a fun thing to get into. I've been telling you for 10 damn years to go see shows and now you have gone to see a few and I could not be prouder.
Man the blog is bumping and i love it plus JP the weekly post is brilliant I love it. I was pleasantly surprised to see one today now with poeple leaving comments and these new posts are great for the blog. Keep up the good work.


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