Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Brand New Demo EP!

Well TUD fans the opening act has a few mp3's he will be distributing at the show all for a good cause. This blog entry is for my friend Kyle who wanted to hear the final product from the demo Ross cut with our pal The Larr-myster. So I will post a hopefully familar song because I am pretty sure it was on the live album I burned for you guys a while back. Plus its becoming a favorite among the many time this Hull Tap veteran has graced its dirty yet re-carpeted stage. So my friend here it is for your ears only from "The 1428 Sessions" Shithole Town by Rossco. Hope you enjoy and please leave your comments to how much you liked or didnt like it.

Shithole Town - Rossco - The 1428 Sessions


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am extremely impressed with Rossco. I think he has a tremendous upside and can rattle off new tunes in a matter of days. Impressive!


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