Tuesday, November 07, 2006

my apoligies

there are no excuses, only explanations. I spent the weekend at my mom's getting homecook food and hanging with the niece and nephew. Only problem no internet so i couldn't sign up for the fantasy league. I figured if i got back to my brothers on Sunday, i could just sign up before the draft and every thing would work out. TO my suprise at 2:00 o'clock eastern time i signed on put in the information and the yahoo site said this league was no longer in pre draft mode, sorry no dice. So my apoligies for missing the draft and not particapting i should have planned better. But i'm willing to adopt the team who has Gilbert Arenas since he is my favorite none knick player as my team to root for in this. I promise to talk trash for you on this blog to whom ever your are facing that week. And please Braden can we get the standings posted on this site once a week, i still want to be a part of the action. please don't leave me out in the cold. So please fill me in on who has Gilbert so they can be my favorite team, and who has Kobe so they can be my least favorite team



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