Monday, December 04, 2006

Vandelay Industries #2

This is the second update I realize I am a little late in getting this one up here but i wanted the league to develop a little more. Our little all star league is really starting to heat up with a back and forth battle between J$'s All Stars and Lavar Burton rocks vying for that number one spot. Next come the most intense battle in the league the battle for the number 3 spot. Between I'm 6'4', T-bone and TheDundies since the last time we blogged TheDundies were rocking that 5 spot and loving since it was there first rodeo, but after a little interent searching and strateic planning TheDundies made several position and stat specific pick ups that have now landed them in the running for that coveted bronze medal. And last but certainly not least the rhinomatics with their seemingly lack of league participation has landed them in the basement and with no key to get out. Although i have noticed them picking up a few more points here and there so maybe they are coming around.
So with out further ado i give you the standing for today in a nice little update in how the league has been turning out.

TheDundies from the 3 spot.


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay calm i'm 6'4" and trust in Gilbert and what a suprise the team which has kobe has got bad karma


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