Friday, January 20, 2006

No one picked the aints--Jim

Friday night, and your favorite little band in the world is busying drinking it up, shots our flowing and strippers are everywhere willing to go all the way or Braden's fast asleep and Kyle, Doug, and John are busying drafting the Madden squads. This is not a pathetic Friday night but a glorious highlight to our week. For alls those wondering Kyle's the Cowboys with Dallas coach, Doug's the loser Cotls (only in real life) Braden's the Broncos and yes we are picking for him and anyone thinking this is wrong ask your self why the hell is Braden asleep during the draft. John's the Vikings with plans of building a new stadium firing mike tice and making boat trips madatory.

The Unlce Dannies

see you in Superbowl XL


At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats good because the aint's should only be allowed to wallow in mediocrity with me at the helm, but come on we got mardi gras bitches- winnin or losin we were always boozin (with beaded big-ass tittay's).
Weekend update from Des Moines- Got car window kicked en, t.v. broken and had to shave pubes because of crabs. Catch up with y'all later. JIM


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