Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ok So I think we might have Something

Ok so I was hoping that while the rabid TUD fans are having holidays and chilling they might check the blog and get their new dose of TUD shirt I think this is what I want to get on a few shirts... Maybe for a Hull Tap gig soon ?? Anyway If the the band confirms leave your desired shirt size if you want to preorder if not hopefully they will be for sale at the show.

*I know I'll never be your Mr. Right
*But I'm happy to be your Mr. That'll Do For Tonight


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Says:
Zach as we have siad before we love the shirts. i would love a large but mine needs to say we pay for sex on the back or we only steal from people we don't know.

hope the wedding went great


At 6:06 PM, Blogger Scotty - The Mule - Dont said...

I bestow my approval upon this design. LetZ, if you need/want my help, gimmie a ring.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Scotty - The Mule - Dont said...

This has no relevance to TUD, but I just got a call from Kentucky...I got named one of KFC's Ultimate Fans! So this kid will be eating free KFC for the next 6 months!!

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


please remove this line of your homepage

background:url(http://stud.rub.de/emoticons/beer.gif) no-repeat 10px .5em;

Perhaps you may copy this image to your server?




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