Monday, January 16, 2006

A pimpin good time

what a show what a show. we want to send a huge thanks to everyone in attendance at the TUD show on Saturday from the Clinton crowd, thanks for getting kick out Josh and Lindsay, to TUD Favorites Jim and Prater, to Coty, Kelsey, and Shannon from Western Iowa, To our biggest fan Scotty don't for making the trip up, and everyone in between. The crowd was unbelievably awesome and their was a good energy in the place all night. We will be back in action Saturday February 11th back at the stein, tell your friends, mothers, fathers, cousins, whoever to come out and enjoy a pimpin good time.

The Uncle Dannies


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to call false advertisement on the "assistance in getting laid" promo but otherwise the show was swingin, even if i did suffer from the dreaded Cock-Blocked by The Ugly Friend Disorder. Big props to the Stein on pitcher prices-4 Bucks, the juice was worth the squeeze-despite being nazi's about underagers. it was good seein everyone, till next time.- jim

p.s. j.p. your rockstar status was demoted to 3 & 1/2 stars for takin off from the after party so damn early

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Scotty - The Mule - Dont said...

First off...I am currently seeking counseling for the trauma that I suffered by not having Zach to dance with during "Scotty doesnt know". With that said, $4 pitchers rock, but I gladly would have paid $5 after I found out that they had NATTY LIGHT on tap!

The show kicked more ass than Sasa, Zac, & Johnny Mo-Hawk! The sound was great other than a lil feedback in some places. Major ups to Kyle for dominating the 'axe'.

The crowd was a little too 'high maintanence' for my particular taste, but there was a great atmosphere...and i discovered bacon-wrapped pretzels dipped in some sort of stew back at "Fresh's" in my mouth...but without that awkward moment afterwards where you arent sure how to ask if you can pay with an out-of-town check!


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